Aug 9, 2022

2degrees is the newest mobile network provider in Aotearoa.

During the 1990s, 3G radio spectrum rights were being auctioned off by the New Zealand Government. Rangiaho Everton and a group of Māori campaigners saw the spectrum rights as taonga (sacred possessions for Māori) and thus won the right to start a mobile network. In 2001, Tex Edwards, a Kiwi with strong telco knowledge, invested in the company and acquired further investment from Strive Masiyiwa's Econet Wireless group and Hautaki (pan-Māori trust). In 2009, 2degrees officially launched. They entered the market with low prices that shook up the telecommunications industry.

2degrees have developed a strong network, spending over $1 billion on infrastructure, owning 2101 cell sites across the country. Their coverage reaches 98.5% of places that Kiwis live and work. 2degrees focuses on 4G and 5G services, and will be closing down their 3G services in late 2025. 

2degrees is on a mission to fight for fairness for all Kiwis.  

Various retailers and MVNOs use 2degrees’ mighty network. 

MVNOs who use the 2degrees network include: